on style="white-space: normal;">发展一种高效、通用的策略来调控电催化剂表面的形貌、组成和电子结构对于电催化性能至关重要,但仍然具有挑战性。传统的调控催化剂表界面方法可以分为化学法(湿化学,等离子体处理,热诱导的化学改变等),热处理法(相改变,表面控制等),沉积法(化学/电化学沉积,原子沉积,离子注入等)以及电化学活化法等。这些方法都在原子尺度上对催化剂表面的组成和形貌进行了调控。然而,当前调控方法大多涉及复杂的合成过程,需要昂贵的设备,或涉及繁琐的后处理过程(包括离子交换、蚀刻或进一步煅烧/退火以获得所需的表面组成)。因此,必须找到简单、低成本和通用的策略,能够精准调控金属氧化物催化剂的表/界面,且该策略能够适合大规模应用。基于此,华南理工大学的丘勇才教授、赵云博士联合中科院物理所的谷林研究员和北京航空航天大学的郭林教授共同提出了一种简单而通用的方法——淬火。这个策略通过在盐溶液中快速冷却金属氧化物纳米催化剂,能够精确调控催化剂的表面化学。以NiMoO4纳米催化剂为例,利用淬火方法成功合成了NiMoO4 NPs-Fe-1高性能纳米催化剂(在1 M Fe(NO3)3溶液中淬火),在10 mA cm-2和100 mA cm-2电流密度下,析氧反应 (OER) 过电位相比于NiMoO4 NPs-NC(自然冷却)分别大幅降低 85 mV 和 135 mV,在10 mA cm-2具有257 mV的极低过电位和优异的稳定性,优于迄今为止报道的大多数氧化物催化剂。通过详细的表征研究,结果证明淬火导致表面金属原子掺杂,并通过部分电子从镍位点转移到铁位点将Fe3+还原为Fe2+,并提高了Ni3+/Ni2+的比值。此外,淬火在NiMoO4表面产生了1 nm厚的无序台阶面和大量缺陷(特别是氧空位),导致电化学活性面积的增加。理论计算表明,引入的Fe位点比Ni具有更低的理论过电位,Fe基双金属活性位具有最优的OER中间产物结合能。这调控了催化剂表面Ni、Mo的局域电子结构和配位环境,包括窄带隙能,最终协同提高了OER性能。这种淬火策略也应用到了其他金属氧化物,如尖晶石型Co3O4、Fe2O3、CoSnO3和钙钛矿LaMnO3,具有相似的表面改性和增强的OER活性。作者最后还强调,对于不同的金属氧化物催化剂,由于金属-O键、杂原子掺杂和缺陷水平的不同,应选择合适的淬火主体和盐溶液进行淬火以达到最佳催化活性。这项研究的发现在原子水平上深化了对淬火化学的理解,从而为活化金属氧化物催化剂并扩大淬火化学在电催化中的应用铺平了道路。这项成果以 “Activating Metal Oxides Nanocatalysts for Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation by Quenching-induced Near-surface Metal Atom Func-tionality”为题发表在Journal of the American Chemical Society期刊。1. 金属氧化物纳米催化剂的富缺陷表面可以通过在盐溶液介质中淬火来制备,首次通过各种表征技术进行了详细验证。2. 在 Fe(NO3)3 介质中淬火的 NiMoO4 纳米催化剂在 10 mA cm-2 和 100 mA cm-2 下的水氧化过电势分别显着降低了85 mV和135 mV。3.本工作提出的淬火表面策略也应用于Co3O4、Fe2O3、LaMnO3、CoSnO3等催化剂,具有通用性、简单性和规模化应用等优点,为发展高活性金属氧化物催化剂提供经验和方向,并拓展了淬火在催化反应领域的应用。▲Figure 1. Electrocatalyst synthesis and aberration-corrected HAADF-STEM images of different electrocatalysts. (a) Schematic illustration of the quenching method used to prepare the electrocatalysts; HAADF-STEM images of (b) NiMoO4 NRs-NC, (e) NiMoO4 NRs-Fe doped, (c, f) NiMoO4 NRs-ice water, and (d, g) NiMoO4 NRs-Fe-1. Images (b-d) are viewed down the [100] zone axis, showing the surface structures of the (001) and (020) planes. Images (e-g) show the surface structure of the (110) plane. These surface planes are indicated by white bars and arrows in the image. The scale bar is 5 nm in all images.▲Figure 2. High-resolution XPS and XANES spectra for the as-prepared electrocatalysts. XPS date for NiMoO4 NRs-NC and NiMoO4 NRs-Fe-1: (a)Ni 2p, (b) Mo 3d and (c) Fe 2p; (d) Normalized Ni K-edge and (e) Fe K-edge XANES spectra of NiMoO4 NRS, and (f) Fourier transformed k3χ(R) Fe K-edge EXAFS for NiMoO4 NRs-Fe-1 and selected reference materials.▲Figure 3. OER activities of the as-prepared electrocatalysts. (a) OER polarization curves for OER. (b) Fitting results for the electrochemical double layer capacitance (CDL) date. (c) Polarization curves for NiMoO4 NRs-Fe-1 before and after 6000 CV cycles. Measurements were performed with the electrocatalyst on a carbon cloth to prevent the active material from falling off the glassy carbon electrode; Inset displays the chronopotentiometric measurements at 10 mA cm-2. (d) Polarization curves of NiMoO4 NPs with conductive carbon. (e) Overpotentials (with error bars) obtained from OER polarization curves at 10 mA cm−2 for different electrocatalysts on a glassy carbon electrode (GCE) and carbon cloth (CC), respectively. (f) OER comparison of quenching for NiMoO4 NPs-Fe-1 with previously reported surface engineering (traditional chemical methods, deposition and electrochemical activation) for oxide catalysts in alkaline electrolytes (Supplementary Table 4).
▲Figure 4:Theoretical investigation of OER pathway. Optimized structure of (a) NiMoO4 NRs-NC and (b) NiMoO4 NRs-Fe-1. (c) proposed 4e-mechanism of oxygen evolution reaction. (d) Gibbs free energy diagram for the four electron transfer steps. (e) density of states (DOS) of NiMoO4 NRs.
▲Figure 5:Extending the quenching method to Co3O4. (a) EDX elemental maps of Co3O4 NRs-Fe-1. (b) Raman spectra. (c) XPS spectrum of Fe 2p of Co3O4 NRs-Fe-1. (d) Polarization curves of Co3O4 NRs. (e) Nyquist plots at 1.60 V vs RHE. (f) Overpotential at 10 mA cm-2 and current density at 1.65 V vs. RHE (with error bars) derived from the LSV curves.
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