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有机化学发展到今天,已经发现成千上万个各类化学反应。其中许多经典的反应被冠以人名,以表彰和纪念首次发现该反应和研究该反应的化学家们。目前人名反应的个数已经达到上千个,其中有一个人名今天必须要讲一下,那就是Schmidt反应了,1923年,K.F. Schmidt报道了将叠氮酸与二苯甲酮在硫酸的存在下以定量的产率得到苯甲酰苯胺,随后经过不断的发展,我们将叠氮钠(酸)与酸,醛,酮反应分别制备胺,腈,和酰胺的反应称为Schmidt。
对于化学工作者来说,这个反应还是很有用的,然而避不开的一个话题是安全问题,那就是剧毒易爆炸的的试剂叠氮化物的使用。刚刚来自北京大学焦宁团队Science报道硝基甲烷作为氮供体的 Schmidt类型反应,就显得比较安全了。
该反应体系具有非常广的底物普适性,大家可以详细的见下图。底物范围之广,令人叹为观止。不仅可以与醛酮反应,还可以与炔,烷基苯反应。非常棒的工作。 上图反应条件:(A) Screening of the activator and reductant for the nitromethane activation. Reaction conditions: S1 (0.3 mmol), MeNO2 (1.2 mmol), activator (0.6 mmol), reductant (0.75 mmol) in AcOH (0.5 mL) at 100°C for 12 hours under air. The yield of amides in parentheses was determined by 1H NMR analysis. For details, see supplementary materials: (B) Substrate scope of ketones. (C) Substrate scope of aldehydes. For details, see supplementary materials. * MeNO2 (9.0 mmol) was used. 上图反应条件: (A) Substrate scope of alkynes. (B) Nitrogenation of simple alkylarenes: Conditions C: ethylbenzene (0.3 mmol), Co(OAc)2•4H2O (0.015 mmol), NHydroxyphthalimide (0.03 mmol) in AcOH (0.5 mL) were stirred at 80°C for 12 hours under 1atm O2, then MeNO2 (9.0 mmol), Tf2O (0.6 mmol), HCOOH (0.75 mmol) were added and stirred at 100°C for 12 hours under air. Conditions D: methylbenzene (0.3 mmol), Co(OAc)2•4H2O (0.006 mmol), N-Hydroxyphthalimide (0.03 mmol) in Hexafluoroisopropanol (0.6 mL) were stirred at room temperature for 12 hours under 1 atm O2, then MeNO2 (9.0 mmol), Tf2O (0.6 mmol), HCOOH (0.75 mmol), AcOH (0.5 mL) were added and stirred at 100°C for 12 hours under air. (C) The latestage modification of drugs or bioactive molecules. (D) Gramscale reaction with cumene and cyclohexylbenzene. (E) ε-Caprolactam (CPL) and macrocyclic lactam synthesis from cyclic ketones.on D
参考文献:Cite as: J. Liu et al., Science, 10.1126/science.aay9501 (2019).
